The Mahabharata is an ancient Indian epic where the main story revolves around two branches of a family - the Pandavas and Kauravas - who, in the Kurukshetra War, battle for the throne of Hastinapura. Interwoven into this narrative are several smaller stories about people dead or living, and philosophical discourses. Mahabharata may revolve around the war of duty. But we cannot escape the fact that the major reason behind the destruction of all was revenge. The Kauravas lost everything to their blinded desire to ruin the Pandavas.
The Mahabharata is an ancient Indian epic where the main story revolves around two branches of a family - the Pandavas and Kauravas - who, in the Kurukshetra War, battle for the throne of Hastinapura. Interwoven into this narrative are several smaller stories about people dead or living, and philosophical discourses. Mahabharata may revolve around the war of duty. But we cannot escape the fact that the major reason behind the destruction of all was revenge. The Kauravas lost everything to their blinded desire to ruin the Pandavas.
Mahabharat Bhasha Tika | Attharon Parv Mahatamya Yukt | Original (Mool) with Hindi Translation
श्रीसबलसिंह चौहान कृत महाभारत मनमोहनी भाषा टीका सहित ( अट्ठारहों पर्व माहात्म्य युक्त ) इसमें आदिपर्व , सभापर्व , वनपर्व , विराटपर्व , उद्योगपर्व , भीष्मपर्व , द्रोणपर्व , कर्णपर्व , शल्यपर्व , गदापर्व , सौप्तिकपर्व , ऐषिकपर्व , स्त्रीपर्व , शान्तिपर्व , अश्वमेधपर्व , आश्रमवासिकपर्व , मुशलपर्व और स्वर्गारोहण पर्व । इन अट्ठारह पर्वो के साथ - साथ महाभारत श्रवण विधि , माहात्म्य , कथा सुनने की विधि और उसका फल और महाभारत जी की आरती संयुक्त है । टीकाकार श्री पण्डित रामजी शर्मा श्री दुर्गा पुस्तक भण्डार ( प्रा ० ) लि ० |
Mahabharat Manmohanni language commentary by Shrisbal Singh Chauhan (Eighteen Parva containing greatness) in it Adiparva, Sabhaparva, Vanparva, Viratparva, Udyogparva, Bhishmaparva, Dronaparva, Karnaparva, Shalyparva, Gadaparva, Souptikaparva, Ashramparva, Swarpaparva, Aishparva, Swarvaparva, Aashvipaparva, Viratparva, Virasatparva, Festival . Along with these eighteen festivals, Mahabharata hearing method, greatness, method of listening to the story and its result and the aarti of Mahabharata ji are combined. Translated by Shri Pandit Ramji Sharma and Published by Shri Durga Book Bhandar (Pvt) Ltd.
Mahabharat Bhasha Tika | Attharon Parv Mahatamya Yukt | Original (Mool) with Hindi Translation
श्रीसबलसिंह चौहान कृत महाभारत मनमोहनी भाषा टीका सहित ( अट्ठारहों पर्व माहात्म्य युक्त ) इसमें आदिपर्व , सभापर्व , वनपर्व , विराटपर्व , उद्योगपर्व , भीष्मपर्व , द्रोणपर्व , कर्णपर्व , शल्यपर्व , गदापर्व , सौप्तिकपर्व , ऐषिकपर्व , स्त्रीपर्व , शान्तिपर्व , अश्वमेधपर्व , आश्रमवासिकपर्व , मुशलपर्व और स्वर्गारोहण पर्व । इन अट्ठारह पर्वो के साथ - साथ महाभारत श्रवण विधि , माहात्म्य , कथा सुनने की विधि और उसका फल और महाभारत जी की आरती संयुक्त है । टीकाकार श्री पण्डित रामजी शर्मा श्री दुर्गा पुस्तक भण्डार ( प्रा ० ) लि ० |
Mahabharat Manmohanni language commentary by Shrisbal Singh Chauhan (Eighteen Parva containing greatness) in it Adiparva, Sabhaparva, Vanparva, Viratparva, Udyogparva, Bhishmaparva, Dronaparva, Karnaparva, Shalyparva, Gadaparva, Souptikaparva, Ashramparva, Swarpaparva, Aishparva, Swarvaparva, Aashvipaparva, Viratparva, Virasatparva, Festival . Along with these eighteen festivals, Mahabharata hearing method, greatness, method of listening to the story and its result and the aarti of Mahabharata ji are combined. Translated by Shri Pandit Ramji Sharma and Published by Shri Durga Book Bhandar (Pvt) Ltd.