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Eknathi Bhagwat-Mool (Marathi)
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Dhan Prapti Ke Dharmik Anushthan evom Shri Lalita Sahasranam Stotra
महालक्ष्मी की विभिन्न स्तोत्रों से आराधना तथा श्रीसूक्त, महालक्ष्मी सूक्त , देवराज इन्द्रकृत लक्ष्मी स्तोत्र , महालक्ष्मी अष्टक , कनकधारा स्तोत्र , पुरुष सूक्तम् , धनदा लक्ष्मी स्तोत्रम् , धनदादेवी स्तोत्रम् , धनदा कवचम् , ऋणमोचन , मंगल स्तोत्रम् , ऋणहर्ता गणेश स्तोत्र , ऋणमुक्ति गणेश स्तोत्र , गणेश स्तवन से लक्ष्मी की वृद्धि कैसे , लक्ष्मी प्राप्ति के कुछ प्रयोग , ऋणमुक्ति के लिए प्रयोग , श्री ललिता सहस्रनाम अर्थात् ' श्री ' तथा ' विद्या ' की देवी के एक हजार नामों की महिमा और दीपावली पूजन , श्रीयन्त्रम् और महालक्ष्मी यन्त्र , कनकधारा यन्त्र इत्यादि इस पुस्तक में संकलित किए गए हैं । Worship of Mahalakshmi with various hymns and Srisukta, Mahalakshmi Sukta, Devraj Indrakrit Lakshmi Stotra, Mahalaxmi Ashtak, Kanakdhara Stotra, Purush Suktam, Dhanda Lakshmi Stotram, Dhanda Devi Stotram, Dhanda Kavacham, Loan Mochan, Ganesh Stotra, Ganesh Stotra, Ganeshi Stotram, Ganeshi Stotra, Mahalaxmi Ashtak, Kanakdhara Stotra, Purush Suktam How to increase Lakshmi by eulogy, Some uses of Lakshmi attainment, Use for liberation from debt, Sri Lalita Sahasranama i.e. glorification of a thousand names of Goddess of 'Shri' and 'Vidya' and Deepawali worship, Sri Yantram and Mahalaxmi Yantra, Kanakdhara Yantra etc. are collected in the book.
Dhan Prapti Ke Dharmik Anushthan evom Shri Lalita Sahasranam Stotra
महालक्ष्मी की विभिन्न स्तोत्रों से आराधना तथा श्रीसूक्त, महालक्ष्मी सूक्त , देवराज इन्द्रकृत लक्ष्मी स्तोत्र , महालक्ष्मी अष्टक , कनकधारा स्तोत्र , पुरुष सूक्तम् , धनदा लक्ष्मी स्तोत्रम् , धनदादेवी स्तोत्रम् , धनदा कवचम् , ऋणमोचन , मंगल स्तोत्रम् , ऋणहर्ता गणेश स्तोत्र , ऋणमुक्ति गणेश स्तोत्र , गणेश स्तवन से लक्ष्मी की वृद्धि कैसे , लक्ष्मी प्राप्ति के कुछ प्रयोग , ऋणमुक्ति के लिए प्रयोग , श्री ललिता सहस्रनाम अर्थात् ' श्री ' तथा ' विद्या ' की देवी के एक हजार नामों की महिमा और दीपावली पूजन , श्रीयन्त्रम् और महालक्ष्मी यन्त्र , कनकधारा यन्त्र इत्यादि इस पुस्तक में संकलित किए गए हैं । Worship of Mahalakshmi with various hymns and Srisukta, Mahalakshmi Sukta, Devraj Indrakrit Lakshmi Stotra, Mahalaxmi Ashtak, Kanakdhara Stotra, Purush Suktam, Dhanda Lakshmi Stotram, Dhanda Devi Stotram, Dhanda Kavacham, Loan Mochan, Ganesh Stotra, Ganesh Stotra, Ganeshi Stotram, Ganeshi Stotra, Mahalaxmi Ashtak, Kanakdhara Stotra, Purush Suktam How to increase Lakshmi by eulogy, Some uses of Lakshmi attainment, Use for liberation from debt, Sri Lalita Sahasranama i.e. glorification of a thousand names of Goddess of 'Shri' and 'Vidya' and Deepawali worship, Sri Yantram and Mahalaxmi Yantra, Kanakdhara Yantra etc. are collected in the book.
Shrimad Bhagwat Gita in Hindi – Pocket Book
Shrimadbhagvadgita is the divine discourse of Bhagvan Shri Krishna spreading light for a purposeful human life. The book contains Sanskrit text with Hindi translation, glory of Gita, contents of principal subjects of each chapter of Gita. The book also carries some essays regarding attainment of God through renunciation.
Shrimad Bhagwat Gita in Hindi – Pocket Book
Shrimadbhagvadgita is the divine discourse of Bhagvan Shri Krishna spreading light for a purposeful human life. The book contains Sanskrit text with Hindi translation, glory of Gita, contents of principal subjects of each chapter of Gita. The book also carries some essays regarding attainment of God through renunciation.
Are you or anyone in your family suffering from some prolonged illness? Here?s the solution to all your miseries. Have you heard about miraculous book known as Hanuman Bahuk? Shir Hanuman Bahuk is one of the most powerful prayers of Lord Hanuman. When Saint Tulsidas was suffering from a fatal and painful disease, and could not get relief in any medication, he invoked Hanuman and recited some powerful stotras. Known as Sankatmochan, Lord Hanuman saves us from miseries, pains and trouble. But do you know by worshipping Hanuman, you can cure physical pain too? Continuous chanting of the 44 verses of Hanuman Bahuk is believed to cure the devotee of diseases and all evils. It also fulfills all desires and removes obstacles from the devotee?s path. It is believed that chanting Hanuman Bahuk helps in curing various body pains, diseases, psychological problems, fear of ghosts etc. It is also chanted by those people who believe that their enemies are doing black magic against them. A person can chant Hanuman Bahuk daily as part of his normal prayers. Another method of chanting Hanuman Bahuk is by doing certain austerities for 40 days. On all forty days, Hanuman Bahuk should be chanted in the morning. The person should only eat vegetarian food. Smoking and drinking during this period should be prohibited. Benefits of worshipping Hanumana : The worship of Hanuman, symbolizes the worship of the Supreme Lord, for acquiring knowledge, physical and mental strength, truthfulness, sincerity, selflessness, humility, loyalty, and profound devotion to the Lord.
Are you or anyone in your family suffering from some prolonged illness? Here?s the solution to all your miseries. Have you heard about miraculous book known as Hanuman Bahuk? Shir Hanuman Bahuk is one of the most powerful prayers of Lord Hanuman. When Saint Tulsidas was suffering from a fatal and painful disease, and could not get relief in any medication, he invoked Hanuman and recited some powerful stotras. Known as Sankatmochan, Lord Hanuman saves us from miseries, pains and trouble. But do you know by worshipping Hanuman, you can cure physical pain too? Continuous chanting of the 44 verses of Hanuman Bahuk is believed to cure the devotee of diseases and all evils. It also fulfills all desires and removes obstacles from the devotee?s path. It is believed that chanting Hanuman Bahuk helps in curing various body pains, diseases, psychological problems, fear of ghosts etc. It is also chanted by those people who believe that their enemies are doing black magic against them. A person can chant Hanuman Bahuk daily as part of his normal prayers. Another method of chanting Hanuman Bahuk is by doing certain austerities for 40 days. On all forty days, Hanuman Bahuk should be chanted in the morning. The person should only eat vegetarian food. Smoking and drinking during this period should be prohibited. Benefits of worshipping Hanumana : The worship of Hanuman, symbolizes the worship of the Supreme Lord, for acquiring knowledge, physical and mental strength, truthfulness, sincerity, selflessness, humility, loyalty, and profound devotion to the Lord.
Bhakta Balak (Kannada)
भक्त बालक पुस्तकाकार—इसमें भक्त गोविन्द, मोहन, धन्ना जाट, चन्द्रहास और सुधन्वाकी ऐसी सरस, मधुर तथा भक्तिरससे पूर्ण कथाएँ हैं, जिन्हें पढक़र आँखोंसे अश्रुपात होने लगता है और मन भगवत्कृपाके स्मरणमें डूब जाता है।
Bhakta Balak (Kannada)
भक्त बालक पुस्तकाकार—इसमें भक्त गोविन्द, मोहन, धन्ना जाट, चन्द्रहास और सुधन्वाकी ऐसी सरस, मधुर तथा भक्तिरससे पूर्ण कथाएँ हैं, जिन्हें पढक़र आँखोंसे अश्रुपात होने लगता है और मन भगवत्कृपाके स्मरणमें डूब जाता है।
Adbhut Mantra Sagar (Sampoorn Panchon Bhag)
"Dive into the mystical world of 'Adbhut Mantra Sagar (Complete Five Parts)' and unlock the secrets of ancient mantras and their transformative powers. This comprehensive five-part series delves deep into the essence of these powerful mantras, guiding readers on a spiritual journey towards self-discovery and enlightenment. Explore the profound wisdom contained within these sacred texts and embark on a quest for inner peace and fulfillment. Immerse yourself in the enchanting realm of mantras with 'Adbhut Mantra Sagar' and experience the magic of divine sound vibrations resonating through your being."
Adbhut Mantra Sagar (Sampoorn Panchon Bhag)
"Dive into the mystical world of 'Adbhut Mantra Sagar (Complete Five Parts)' and unlock the secrets of ancient mantras and their transformative powers. This comprehensive five-part series delves deep into the essence of these powerful mantras, guiding readers on a spiritual journey towards self-discovery and enlightenment. Explore the profound wisdom contained within these sacred texts and embark on a quest for inner peace and fulfillment. Immerse yourself in the enchanting realm of mantras with 'Adbhut Mantra Sagar' and experience the magic of divine sound vibrations resonating through your being."
Gita-Tattva-Vivechani (Hindi)
गीता-तत्त्व-विवेचनी—भगवान् श्रीकृष्णकी दिव्यवाणीसे नि:सृत सर्वशास्त्रमयी गीताकी विश्वमान्य महत्ताको दृष्टिïमें रखकर इस अमर संदेशको जन-जनतक पहुँचानेके उद्देश्यसे गीताप्रेसके आदि संस्थापक परम श्रद्धेय ब्रह्मïलीन श्रीजयदयालजी गोयन्दकाद्वारा प्रणीत गीताकी एक दिव्य टीका। इसमें २५१५ प्रश्न और उनके उत्तरके रूपमें प्रश्नोत्तर शैलीमें गीताके श्लोकोंकी विस्तृत व्याख्याके साथ अनेक गूढ़ रहस्योंका सरल, सुबोध भाषामें सुन्दर प्रतिपादन किया गया है। इसके स्वाध्यायसे सामान्य-से-सामान्य व्यक्ति भी गीताके रहस्योंको आसानीसे हृदयंगम कर अपने जीवनको धन्य कर सकता है।
Gita-Tattva-Vivechani (Hindi)
गीता-तत्त्व-विवेचनी—भगवान् श्रीकृष्णकी दिव्यवाणीसे नि:सृत सर्वशास्त्रमयी गीताकी विश्वमान्य महत्ताको दृष्टिïमें रखकर इस अमर संदेशको जन-जनतक पहुँचानेके उद्देश्यसे गीताप्रेसके आदि संस्थापक परम श्रद्धेय ब्रह्मïलीन श्रीजयदयालजी गोयन्दकाद्वारा प्रणीत गीताकी एक दिव्य टीका। इसमें २५१५ प्रश्न और उनके उत्तरके रूपमें प्रश्नोत्तर शैलीमें गीताके श्लोकोंकी विस्तृत व्याख्याके साथ अनेक गूढ़ रहस्योंका सरल, सुबोध भाषामें सुन्दर प्रतिपादन किया गया है। इसके स्वाध्यायसे सामान्य-से-सामान्य व्यक्ति भी गीताके रहस्योंको आसानीसे हृदयंगम कर अपने जीवनको धन्य कर सकता है।